Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Joe's Birthday

Today is Joe's birthday. He is 20. I remember very vividly the day Joe was born. He was 7 lbs 2 ozs, snuggly and sweet. This is one spectacular young man. Joe has always been Joe. If you knew him, you would know what I mean. He's steady, incredibly funny, incredibly smart. He is perceptive and frequently knew when I was upset with him before I even said anything. He refused to date beautiful stupid women in high school. Took a blow up doll to junior prom and his favorite "real" girl to senior prom. His friends have been his friends for a lifetime - he really values them - they will always be his friends. Joe went to college two years ago - I knew when he left that he would really never come home. Thankfully (and sadly), I'm right. He is happy at school, has good friends, is in a fraternity with people he respects, has goals for his life and dates smart beautiful women. He is active in theatre - doing a play right now - I have always admired his professional take on theatre - he works like a dog - every night for the past few weeks from 7-11 at night. I know he gets tired but he would never say anything. When he was younger, he and his friend Conrad would make movies - they would pretend they were men from Mexico complete with big sombreros and serapes, they would make movies of Conrad in a box in the middle of the street with a sign on it that said Conrad was naked inside the box, they would do strange interviews with people. I would go to the movies with Joe and feel like we had watched an entirely different movie. He would always ask me what my favorite part was and I would just look at him as he recited specific lines from the movie, told me about certain camera angles. Joe was in a Professional play at the Georgia Ensemble Theatre when he was about 11 or 12. Joe had to attend rehearsals at all weird hours of the night - he was the only kid in the show. I probably saw that show about 5 times...Joe's part came at the end - I could barely contain my excitement when he came out on stage! I'm glad he has been a part of my life for 20 years. He has definitely made me a better person!

Thanks Joe!

Love you.

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