Saturday, December 08, 2007

A Year Since my Last Post

Usually people say it's been a year since my last confession...I suppose that could be me just as well.

I'm waiting for grades, waiting for grades. I'm finished with classes - really finished, like completely finished with college, finally!!!!! I should be graduating next week, and, of course, I'm freaking out that my papers weren't good enough, that I will flunk my senior seminar paper...I hate the waiting period.....but here I am waiting. I have probably checked my grades a thousand times a day since I took my one and only final on Wednesday.

Either way, what a year it has been since my last confession! Graduating (hopefully). Travel to Argentina, Ireland and Mexico. Argentina was amazing! But, so were Ireland and Mexico - totally different trips - for fun only but great trips. Bike drive - trying to finish shipping now - 50 bikes, semi-successful benefit concert, hard work on to get them shipped. I suppose that at my last posting I hadn't secured a receiver for the bikes - we're going to edunLIVE in Kasese, Uganda. Pretty cool!

Dinner calls...